Volunteer Policies
Personal Privacy Policy
Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre and the London Food Coalition will not collect, use, or disclose your personal information unless you have provided your consent in accordance with the Glen Cairn Community Resource Center and the London Food Coalition Privacy Policy the Ontario Privacy Protection Act, and the Canadian Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, or where required by law.
The London Good Coalition Volunteer Application form requests information such as your name, contact information and demographic information for the purposes of screening, placement, and ongoing training and supervision. Your personal information is also used for debriefing and support; recognition; requests for additional volunteer roles; reference letters and verbal recommendations; program statistics and evaluation as per funding requirements; and mailings of information related to the Glen Cairn Community Resource Center/London Food Coalition's activities and events. We do not rent, sell, or trade mailing lists. The information you have provided in this release will be used only for the purposes described above.
Please know that you have the right not to answer a question or to not complete a section of the volunteer application as you so choose. In addition, you have the right at any time to withdraw consent to use your personal information for the purposes noted above. You must notify the program coordinator to activate this change. Please allow 14 business days for us to update our records accordingly.
Please indicate your consent for the use of your personal information for the following purposes by checking the appropriate box on the Volunteer Application.
Confidentiality Policy
It is a matter of professional ethics as well as the policy of the London Food Coalition that strict confidentiality be maintained regarding any information obtained (written, spoken, and observed) during the Coalition's operations. Anyone employed or involved in duties related to the Coalition’s services and programs is not permitted to share any information with external parties without informed consent from the individual and/or guardian concerned. This is a condition of employment, volunteering, or student participation at the London Food Coalition.
I understand the above policy regarding confidentiality and agree to keep all information I obtain in the course of my contact with the London Food Coalition confidential, in accordance with the Coalition's Policy on Confidentiality, which I have received and reviewed. I will not discuss clients, member organizations, or Coalition business inside or outside the Coalition, except as required for the proper conduct of its operations. I also agree that I will never remove any confidential material in any format (written, electronic, digital, etc.) from the Coalition without the permission of the Executive Director or their designate. Please indicate your consent for the use of your personal information for the following purposes by checking the appropriate box on the Volunteer Application.